3 Ways Managers Can Create Better Communication

Communication is key. Whether verbal or nonverbal, you communicate with everyone you meet and it can mean a lot, especially with those we work with.
Studies have found that some form of communication with managers every day allow workers to be more engaged and have a sense of mentorship – knowing they could come to them with any question.
Once this communication was implemented, a whopping 54% of employees agreed they were more engaged. However, despite the evidence, this continues to be a factor most managers struggle to implement. In fact, 69% of managers are often uncomfortable communicating with employees.
Tweet This: 69% of managers are often uncomfortable communicating with employees. If this is you, try this:
If you are part of the 69%, don’t worry. Knowing is half the battle and after some acceptance, you can work on implementing strategies to make communication easier for both you and the employees around you.
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Great corporate culture centers on being open and honest with each other as much as possible. This gives employees a chance to share ideas, concerns and questions, while presenting managers with the opportunity to give constructive feedback and support employees in growth and development.
Honest communication, especially from day one of employment, creates a trust and instills confidence in employees. A confident workforce is more focused, agile and accurate. The practice also lowers turnover rates and increases employee satisfaction. The McKinsey Global Institute recently found productivity can actually improve by 20-25% when employees are connected to leadership and that connection is only built through communication.
Listening in a work environment is incredibly important. It reiterates the trust between manager and employee, while also allowing both parties to feel appreciated and understood. This instills a sense of pride and responsibility as long as the practice is balanced by leadership and employee. In other words, if you expect employees to listen and respect what you have to say, then be prepared to do the same when they need to air their own thoughts and opinions. If you notice yourself talking more in performance reviews or feedback meetings, there might be a problem.
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Once you have listened to any concerns, it is important to share any information and advice you may have on the subject. Employees at every level face challenges, and the best way to support employees is by supporting them in times of hardship. It will benefit both the employees and the business as a whole. Consider a situation where you know a problem is arising and the employee actually approaches you for guidance. You don’t have to observe changes before approaching, you only have to listen and develop a solution.
Bonus: teamwork on tackling problems means training opportunities on critical business thinking and employee-manager bonding. Sharing reinforces appreciation, while also creating ties between generations and the ability to continue to gather new wisdom from both young and older workers.
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After implementing the first two stages, you then need to realize that diversity is the driving force for new and better ideas. Corporate borders are a thing of the past and managers should encourage everyone to look outwardly and communicate. The more diverse, the more positive an impact it can make on the individual’s development, as well as the company’s. Then, you can create multiple channels of communication and center on peer to peer sessions. This allows everyone to share and gather additional data on what employees may need and want, as well as open the floor to discussion on new ideas.
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Encouraging diversity in your workforce also can have an impact on employee morale, especially if you are sure to be positive in your approach. In a recent study by Watson Wyatt, they found that companies with effective communication practices were 50% more likely to have turnover levels below the industry average.
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It’s a necessity to always be adapting to changes in the workforce. New approaches to communication or developing continuous feedback workflows might be difficult, but they may also mean the difference between a happy workforce or a disengaged one. Employees who feel connected to their employer and leadership without the worry of being ignored or judged, can equal a fruitful business with strong employee relationships.
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