
Make smart performance management decisions with Reviewsnap’s reporting feature. Rater Bias, Performance History, Rating Distribution, 9-Box Grid, and more! Request a live demo today to learn more.

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Statistics Snapshot

Access real-time graphical and raw data statistics to identify company, department and individual strengths and weaknesses.

Visual Reporting

Analyze and make sound decisions with our multiple reports surrounding your performance review results.

Ad-Hoc Reports

Create an unlimited number of custom reports and graphs to gain a very clear understanding of your performance-related data at any level within your organization.

Automatic Email Notifications

Automatically notify relevant team members of who has or has not completed upcoming reviews. Also set email notifications regarding the status of your performance reviews.

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Latest whitepapers & blog posts

Learn more about the latest in performance management.

Top 8 Performance Management Goals & Objectives
Performance Appraisal in HRM Methods, Pros & Cons in 2023
How HR Can Battle Bias Within Performance Reviews

“We came from a paper review environment and needed something that was easy to use, flexible and affordable. We found all three of these qualities in Reviewsnap.”

Rose Rush, VP of HR and Risk Management, PrimeSource Building Products