The Correlation Between Employee Satisfaction & Company Success

You probably already know this, but sometimes it is nice to have a simple reminder on why employee satisfaction really matters. A key area for any company is the level of customer service being delivered by its employees.

Generally speaking, satisfied employees make for satisfied customers. In other words, if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers. This seems easy right? Well many companies fail to follow this simple rule and customers do notice….sometimes in a big way. Dissatisfied employees tend to relate that dissatisfaction in some way when interacting with customers.

For an employee to do an outstanding job, they need to believe in the company and they need to feel good about the company. After all, they are the people interacting with the customers every day and you want them to represent the company in a positive, professional manner.

Little things can make a big difference for employees. A positive relationship with a supervisor, for example, can lead to positive vibes from the employee to your customers. Recognition of a job well done through viable feedback, incentives, unexpected wage increases, PTO, promotions, etc. can make all the difference in the world in your employees’ morale and performance.

Remember that a satisfied employee is more willing to elevate their performance and promote the company.